
E-Commerce and Un-Employment in Kenya

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What is ecommerce? I like going to wikipedia to look up meanings of stuff but let me try something different today. 

noun: ecommerce
  1. commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet.
Now, Putting Kenya, Unemployment, Developers and money in the conversation is important. In Kenya, ecommerce alone is a rising culture. This is where developers come in. If you are a developer and jobless, this is an end to all that. A simple way of ending unemployment is via ecommerce. It's an ultimate razor. I spoke a developer about he got a job and what he did to get a job and how he survived before then. Unfortunately for him, he didn't have all the necessary knowledge at the time regarding ecommerce and online marketing. He used to fix machines and develop systems for clients got as referrals. Hard but worked. Provided more than USD 2 (200/-) per day on average. Just enough to make a simple life. 
That was in upcountry. The guy came to the city. City life is diferent. You have to stand out [if at all you can stand]. That amount can't help out past lunch and breakfast, in good amounts. We are not in the habit of skipping meals here. We are looking towards healthy lifestyles. An Ecommerce sollution came in handy. Selling stuff online, delivering, getting money...all that makes up the big word, ecommerce. Before you do all that, you need a domain. I mean a site after all. If you have to sell anything online, customers have to see it too. Online Marketing kicks in. 
This guy, together with another lady[friend in the city] came up with an idea. An idea to change their world. Making a site, a simple cms solution, even though both of them happened to be developers, that would be their shop. They set it up as a sub-domain and then uploaded products to their site. Set up payment options and everything relevent. 
The products were to be delivered to the customers' doorstep. This was unthinkable. Two youngstars. Big dreams. Let's make Mullah. Traffic was low at first. Nothing much was done on the site, so, bounce rate was high too. Online snobs. 
This would later change. Enquiry after enquiry. Click after click, untill the general public started liking it. General online public is a genuine community. Unforgiving at times, not forgetting, some of the people online are jobless and unemployed too. If you have to sell stuff online, target even the ones not fdoing so well financially. The products on the ecommerce site in discussion were clothes. Hence it's name, Tux Fashions. Cheap clothes are liked. mtush as it's usually referred to, but now online. It's convincing. Good shirts at about 500 is good. Google adsense integrated helped make more money too. 
This was an ultimate solution to ending the whole job-hunting cycle. You just happen to employ yourself online and have thee time to do some other entertaining and beneficial stuff as you look for a job[if you so wish] in a company of your dreams or just for fun and satisfaction. 
Always remeber, you have talents and capabilities. You are not containable. Employment is not the best place place on earth. Focus on employing people and you'll be a better person than the one you saw in the mirror. 

About Me

Oops...Almost forgot to say something about me. But anyway, I'm that guy, yule Msee, who'll sort out your techie issue and hails from the land of milk and honey. Not forgetting the bitter herbs too.

This is what am best at. Feel free to ask something. 

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