
Faith ni muhimu

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Star InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar Inactive's the short dude again. This time Imma talk about faith. Not her, but the spiritual faith. I don't even have a perfect defination of what it is but wikipedia told me it is: 

Faith, the confidence or trust in something or somebody despite the absence of proof.
Bad faith, a legal concept in which a malicious motive on the part of a party in a lawsuit undermines their case
Bad faith (existentialism), mauvaise foi, a philosophical concept wherein one denies one's total freedom, instead choosing to behave as an inert object
Fáith, the Irish for "prophet, seer"
Good faith, bona fides, the mental and moral state of honesty
Religion, any specific system of belief ("one's faith")
Religious belief, the belief in the reality of the mythological, supernatural, or spiritual aspects of a religion.
The first of the theological virtues in Catholic theology
Trust (social sciences) in a person or entity
Uberrima fides (Utmost good faith), the legal doctrine of certain contractual obligations

I came home some evening and my brother was un-usually happy. Everything seemed ok. Better actually. I hadn't even changed to my gym clothes and he was telling me what the Bible says about faith and quoting a few guys here and there, like Moses, Abraham, Elijah, know where am going..right? I chipped in kidogo kidogo without killing the heart of the story.


That day, he had a prayer request. It was common. I was to pray to pray on my end, while at work, and He while he was wherever he was..Trust me, we had no tight schedule. It was loose and working. Gave my request time. He did too so, which I learnt he did through the narration. His prayer about me had been answered. It was one of those instant answers from God. He believed. We Believed. We Prayed.  I usually remind God that the reason why I pray and never give up is because I've seen lots of wonders and stuff that even science hits a snag while trying to explain. God created science. Most of the stuff we are taught in colleges and other places are all efforts in understanding God's might. 

Reader, I lemmi say am not the pastor kind of guy. I'm not clean. I do pray though. I've seen what prayers can do. Never leave that. Always remember God in all you do. He's just awesome. 



About Me

Oops...Almost forgot to say something about me. But anyway, I'm that guy, yule Msee, who'll sort out your techie issue and hails from the land of milk and honey. Not forgetting the bitter herbs too.

This is what am best at. Feel free to ask something. 

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