I'm a developer. I graduated in IT college. I chose this as my life. A friend joked and told me to repeat these words...
I sometimes don't realize what time it is..
I Patrick, decide that from now on,Now I do believe it. *Call me fullstack developer*. You don't need me if you have everything. I work from monday to friday with my(read company's) Laptop.
I will spend my days behind a computer
screen .... bla bla bla
I sometimes don't realize what time it is..

Backing up a little on what I said... relating to people includes politically too. At one time, I gotta use my constitutional right anyway. Cutting the chase..I hate politricks. Why can't (some) politicians just be good people??? Million Dollar Q right there.
Every term there's always a phrase 'Vote Me In'.. Damn..I hate Politics. I love convincing people to vote in somebody am confident in.
Every term there's always a phrase 'Vote Me In'.. Damn..I hate Politics. I love convincing people to vote in somebody am confident in.

I like have friends around me. Making new ones is a chance to remind myself that humans are social. Whenever I meet people, I always see the positives outta them.
I love it.
Nobody is a nobody. Remember, what you do is what makes you who you are. Make other people smile, and trust me, Heaven will bore if you won't be there.
Oh, that's why I say that I believe Jesus died for you and I.
I love it.
Nobody is a nobody. Remember, what you do is what makes you who you are. Make other people smile, and trust me, Heaven will bore if you won't be there.
Oh, that's why I say that I believe Jesus died for you and I.