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I love coffee. Sugarless. I love how javahouse africa brews it though. Anyway, it's not the coffee or the house but the consumer. I don't know but I happened not to like Java, the programming language, back in the day. Let me say I didn't have a good source of motivation or anyone to show me how to run that easily. Honestly speaking, we spent over 3 hours on that 'helloWorld' thingie and as a 'future' developer, I wasn't confortable with the thought of me building a full system in java. I thought wrong. As a christian, a devout one for that matter, I studied java like no man's business and ran several helloworlds, continents and planets.

This java thing, was in my head all for the purposes of simple applications, and some little influence from the servlets topic which looked interesting. On top of this, I was good in other languages. [good is used losely boss is a god, damn! God bless that kind soul], I navigated my way outta this. Took nice notes, dry run my code....I mean, I didn't own my machine where I'd test as much as I'd like....but it was fine.

Dry running means writing your code on a book and going through it line by line and trynna see if you can identify an error, before compiling. Do people still javac [filename]??

Now, back to school. I managed to navigate my years with passing exams and loving SQL, C++, VB, Javascript, FoxPro for reporting above other languages like pascal. Oh, I liked jCreator. Lol. Saved me from that windows pentium r cmd. God bless Tolvads.

Past college I decided to major in db, c++, vb and js. My first year out, sold some vb projects and web was catching up. Hi PHP. New Love. I got my internship in a company that does web dev't. Something totally different from what I knew.

I ended up stacking some javascript libraries, php, sql and some design skills.

to be's late

I haven't dry-ran this article incase you spot some mistakes.

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## Git install to 2.* cent os

sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
sudo yum install gettext-devel openssl-devel perl-CPAN perl-devel zlib-devel

# select your release from github
wget -O git.tar.gz

# as per Jan 4th 2019
wget -O git.tar.gz

tar -zxf git.tar.gz
cd git-*

make configure
./configure --prefix=/usr/local

sudo make install

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""

git config --list Name

# source
>> source:

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Howdy reader,

sorry for starting this like a letter but, what does it matter anyway?

So, today, I walked up to a badass dev maintaining a certain repo. I happened to have worked on the same project, locally. For us to merge changes, there needs to be recorded changes, staging. He asked me for my changes, the files I'd worked on, so that he can merge.

If we were on the same repo git would save us, frget this for now.

So, I was like, damn! I lost track of what I changed (GIT didn't). So, I googled a little and stumbled on it. The super formula. The ones all witches been fighting to lay hands on...joking.

List files changed

To list the files changed, you need to specify some stuff, not much. how many commits back.

see below.

git diff --name-only HEAD HEAD~3

Selection 004

The three is the number of commits.  The files are listed as paths.. cool, right.

Not Cool Yet

Remember, files are needed, not I tweaked something...git archive. See below.

git archive compresses what you give it, to whatver format you specify, ie zip and saves to your current working directory.


Command, patrick mutwiri



Selection 006


Now I can forward the zip, with only the files I touched. If there're changes in a file and he also worked on it, well, keep it here...remind me if I forget to write about it.

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1. Definition of SOCKS

Protocol for sessions traversal across firewall securely. SOCKet Secure (SOCKS) is an Internet protocol that routes network packets between a client and server through a proxy server. SOCKS5 additionally provides authentication so only authorized users may access a server. Practically, a SOCKS server proxies TCP connections to an arbitrary IP address, and provides a means for UDP packets to be forwarded.SOCKS performs at Layer 5 of the OSI model (the session layer, an intermediate layer between the presentation layer and the transport layer).

2. Difference between SOCKS4 and SOCKS5

SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 both belong to SOCKS protocol. It is the concrete supportive application that distinguishes them.

SOCKS4 only supports TCP application, while SOCKS5 supports TCP and UDP applications. However, because of the fact that SOCKS5 also supports various authentication mechanisms and domain name resolution (DNS), which does not go with SOCKS4, the outgoing SOCKS proxy is normally SOCKS4 proxy. As a result, UDP applications are not supported normally. That is to say, SOCKS5 could support anything that SOCKS4 supports, but it is not the same with SOCKS4.

3. Application Cases

3.1 Downloading FTP Files via Browser Proxy

To download files in FTP servers, you have to input the IP address and the FTP Port 808 of the server in the "FTP" edit box (Figure 1-1).

Configure FTP Proxy

Figure 1‑1

3.2 Uploading FTP Files via Browser Proxy

1) To upload files to the FTP server, the "FTP" edit box has to be left blank, because IE would use the SOCKS4 protocol (Figure 1-2).

Leave FTP Blank

Figure 1‑2

2) Open the "Local Area connection Properties" dialogue box, click "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)", then click the "Properties" button (Figure 1-3).


Figure 1‑3

3) In the pop up "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties" dialogue box, select the "User the following DNS server address" radio button, and then type the DNS address in the "Preferred DNS server" edit box (Figure 1-4).

Configure DNS Address

Figure 1‑4

4) After configured like that, you could use browsers to upload files to the FTP server.



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About Me

Oops...Almost forgot to say something about me. But anyway, I'm that guy, yule Msee, who'll sort out your techie issue and hails from the land of milk and honey. Not forgetting the bitter herbs too.

This is what am best at. Feel free to ask something. 

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